If you ask where the seller soto ayam Lamongan most crowded in Lamongan, must be answered Depot Asih Jaya. This depot is located in the JI. Panglima Sudirman, the main streets of Surabaya to Bali.
"This Depot has been open since 0600 and was closed at midnight," explained H. Mahfud Ali (60) owner of the Depot Asih Jaya.
Ali accidentally opened warungya that long. Warungya understandable strategic location. Customers not just from Lamongan. Even up to Jakarta.
At lunch and holidays, can be ascertained by the depot was crowded with shoppers. According to Ali, the height of the buyer because the flavor suitable to the taste of homemade soup buyers. "If no match, yes, not going to come back, to," he said without the impression of bragging.
Lamongan Soto is soto ayam kampung with murky soup. "It's color is less attractive due to the addition of various spices. But that was the key, "I'm Ali, who each require 75 days that village chickens.
Turbid color also comes from milkfish and shrimp were added to the chicken stew. "This is what makes it so steady," said Ali.
Sotonya itself only consists of few Soun and shredded chicken. Can also added uritan or young chicken eggs and chicken liver. His name is soto special.
For a special serving of soup with rice Lamongan separately sold at nine thousand. "But if the rice directly into the soup, it costs only Rp 8,000," explained the man who has been selling this kind of soup since 1968.
For the usual serving of soup Lamongan price of Rp 5500. This is the combined price for rice soup. If separated, has to add USD $ 1500.
Toward evening, special food that can be purchased is out of this. Seller of this food can be found around the square and Lamongan clothing market.
Since at 16 o'clock they've started to hold a new tent to sell and close at midnight.
As the name suggests, you know this mix is full of content. Not just three species, but up to six kinds, lo. Ie, tofu, lettuce, bean sprouts, yellow noodles, cakes, and crackers. "Yellow cakes and shape of the box," said Sueb sellers know the market mix in front of clothing.
His name was, hell, meatball, but do not be surprised if it was like cassava. Because these cakes are made from cassava mixed with potatoes. When bitten feels springy.
In order to know the mix feels good, given the form of paste and chili seasoning. Both materials are mixed directly on the plate before the given piece of know, lettuce, yellow noodles, cakes, and gravy poured contain large pieces kikil
"But no hard kikilnya. I ngerebusnya three hours. After it was boiled again in the soup. Mayonnaise is my season with walnut, garlic, and ginger, so it's tasty, "assure the continued sales efforts Sueb know his parents intervened.
By Sueb, platter know intervene appreciated USD 3500 complete with a beverage. Afternoons and evenings are the most appropriate time to eat these foods. Warm and filling
Besides soto Lamongan and knew of it, there's more typical food Lamongan town. Residents there used to call it nasi boranan. The name was derived from the place of rice stores, Boran. "Hence, rice boranan called," Mother said boranan Nduk who sells rice since four years ago.
Boranan rice served with banana leaf-covered container. His friend, urap or krawu from papaya, long beans, and bean sprouts. Lauknya there are a variety of tempe and tofu, fried fish, shrimp, pancakes, until the chicken fries.
"It's all just an additional side dish, lo. Originally, rice boranan just eaten with soft, matted bark, nuts and dent, "explained a woman who sells on the street front of the RSU Muhamadiyah KH. Ahmad Dahlan, this Lamongan.
Soft is a mixture of rice flour, cassava, and wheat. This dough is formed a small circle and fried. It was tempting because it mixed with garlic and salt.
While bark dreadlocks made from cassava and grated coconut. Just as the soft, matted bark matured in a way fried.
Rice boranan should wear a special dish that is cooked with fish sill spicy sauce. "But I do not wear sili fish. Difficult, because there are usually only fit Hari Raya, "I Nduk while busy serving customers.
Since there are no fish sill, Nduk using curse of the living fish in freshwater fish is the meat soft and a little prickly.
Boranan rice enthusiasts not only from Lamongan. Another city resident who stopped in here, happy to also try the deliciousness of rice boranan. Moreover, the price is quite affordable, USD 2500, complete with a piece of fried fish or chicken.
It takes patience to look for food. Section, the seller knows nothing mangkal tek. They drive around, taking out a distinctive voice, tek, tek, tek.
This sound comes from the wok who was beaten with a small iron. Echoes of his voice could be heard far enough in the evenings. "Yes, that's a sign that the seller knew there tek pass," said Mr. Setu.
Unlike mixed-rich content to know, know very little technical content. Just know, rice cake, bean sprouts, and crackers. But to know more than the amount of rice cake.
Sauces is a mixture of paste, soy sauce, peanut, and chili, but the flavor is more prominent petisnya.
"Because it feels a little bitter. But it's like it knows tek Lamongan, 'said the man who had 11 years to sell out this tek.
Sambal pulverized in a clay cobek then splashed to the edge of tofu and rice cake. Setu accidentally sells between 19 o'clock till 24 o'clock. Not gone up is sure to come back to his home in Kemlaten, Lamongan. "Taylor finished can be stored longer. Wong, mentahan material. if the bean sprouts and lontongnya, yes, thrown away, "said Setu which sells a plate to know tek worth USD three thousand.
ES Dawet Siwalan
Despite its name Dawet ice, do not expect to find. Dawet therein. That there is actually translucent white herwarna fruit slices.
Penyuguhannya added coconut milk and legend. Now, this legendary tree sap obtained from the intercepts. The color is golden brown and slightly thickened.
When taken instantly felt like he was enjoying a young coconut. Only the difference between direct legen ambush perfume nose.
"Actually the drink was only available in the area Paciran Lamongan. I am interested to sell ice Dawet palm because no one sells in the city, "explained Choirulhuda (38), the only ice seller in the plaza Dawet Lamongan. Like the food vendors at the plaza area, Choirulhuda began trading at 16.00. "Usually at 20:00 I had finished merchandise. If Sunday was even more rapid. Sunset-Sunset has been finished, "I am the man who sold Rp 1,000 per glass.
Every day no less than 25 diolahnya become Dawet palm fruit. While for legennya spent three 1.5 liter bottles. All materials were
by Choirul imported straight from Paciran. "I intentionally took it from there. As the quality is good. So customer satisfaction, "says this bespectacled man.
MARKET snacks
If the morning visiting the vegetable market Lamongan, you'll find a number of tempting snacks market. The seller of this market snacks did not occupy specific blocks. They spread out among the vegetable sellers, food, and cooking ingredients. the usual type of snack market is klebet peddled corn. Made from finely ground corn and were given white sugar. Cone shape and wrapped in corn leaves.
This yellow cake corn flavor are very dominant. Even though the sweet corn is still felt had been given sugar. Seller of this cake can be found at the entrance near the vegetable sellers. Sold along with other cakes, like a donut, bowsprit, and the cake layer by Mrs. Sumirah.
Other options, opaque lodo. This food looks attractive because of the pink and yellow. Packaged in small plastic bags.
"The material is sticky rice and sugar. Once dried, fried in the sand, "explained Tuminah, the seller opaque lodo. This is very crisp and opaque. It was sweet. Because it does not match served with rice. More delicious eaten as is, as a snack.
There are more clips, similar to the opaque lodo. Are both made from glutinous rice, only a flat shape and taste delicious. How to make, the dough is pinched as he burned. There are three kinds of the color, pink, white, and yellow. Pins made of glutinous rice in addition, there are also those from corn starch. Of course it was not selegit clips from glutinous rice. Unfortunately not easy to distinguish because of the new light after taste.
Walk to the right side of the market, right near the kitchen spice seller, you can find a seller gantesan and rice putu. This is similar to gemblong Gantesan. Only it was white. If putu fields, elliptical shape and the color green.
Inside the glutinous rice flour dough is hidden contents of green beans. While the exterior sprinkled with grated coconut. "Yes, it's savory, not sweet because there is no sugar," explained Mrs. Sri.
Side by side with Mrs. Sri, you can taste the porridge mix. This name is very appropriate to the content and color of these foods. Black from black rice, red pearl, white from glutinous rice porridge, and brown from canil.
Porridge is very sweet. Because it should be presented with watery coconut milk. Must eat it still warm, because there was so cold porridge will mengumpal. In addition to porridge, no more comestible suitable for breakfast. Lempok, srebel, blendong, ngempol bran, corn paren, and bran srubuk. This food is made from corn, cassava, and green beans. "I'll eat it with grated coconut tasty," said Rimpan.
Although the species vary, snacks are sold at market price of corn, opaque lodo, bobby pins, gantesan, and rice putu. Slurry mix is sold at Rp 1,000 per pack.
While lempok, srebel, blendong, ngempol bran, corn paren, and bran srubuk, is sold under the buyer. Usually buyers buy between USD 500 to USD 1500 with a type according to taste.
If comestible clamp easily found in traditional markets, is not the case with roll pins. Tapioca flour confectionery of this can only be found in the souvenir shop. "Materials and more expensive ketimbangjepit usual," I Siti Halimah, makers roll pins.
roll clamp using tapioca and sugar, while the clamp eat glutinous rice flour. Jepitgulung color was white only. How to cook it that makes both are equally called flops.
"Lha, bikinnya way it used cast iron, hence the name-flops," said Siti who pursue this business since 1990 this year. Although using a mold, to make the roll pin maker must withstand heat. Tapioca dough, sugar, and sesame must be rolled while it's hot. To release from mold was also done by hand.
"Well, if the anticipated cold, hard dough trigger, not rolled up," said Siti while busy making roll-flops. pins that have been rolled up, is then placed on a board, like a cutting board to cool. Only after it was packaged.
Usually, only roll pins arranged in a large tin. But there are also packaged in plastic. "If the plastic only for orders only. but to store disposable cans, that are more resistant to six months, "explained the woman was childless second.
Every day in her home kitchen in the area Sidokumpul, Siti make roll pins from the 4.5 kilograms of dough. Then sold USD 16 thousand per kilogram to fix without sesame. "Pakal sesame so Rp 20 thousand per kilogram," Siti said kindly.
In the town of Lamongan, the favorite dish is rice boranan. But in Tripe, an administrative town in Lamongan, goat satay even close to the tongue citizens. Well, goat satay stalls are subscribed citizens goat satay H. Sofyan.
Stall is not too large and is located in front of the bike market, right in the roadway, Tripe. Easily recognizable because it is located right in the middle of a bicycle dealer.
In accordance with a banner that is located in front of the shop, here you can enjoy goat sate gule. Meat goats are still hung on a wooden cabinet. "The meat freshly cut and stabbed so there are customers who come," said Sumiati, eldest daughter of H. Sofyan.
To add to the deliciousness of goat satay, Sumiati only adds soy sauce, chilli and red onion slices. After that skewers served with hot rice. It was delicious eaten in the evening and night time hari.Tapi, does not mean you have to wait for the evening came to taste it. Sumiati already started to open her store from 09.00 and closes at 22:00 "Well, it if is still there. Isha is usually discharged to go home, "I am a woman who every day are cutting two goats.
ING LAN Wingko Loe
Another characteristic of comestible Lamongan town, namely wingko. Made from sticky rice and coconut with a sweet taste. Round and brown.
In Lamongan wingko usually sold in stores or shops souvenirs wingko seller. But, if you want the original you can buy it at Tripe, Lamongan. The area was known as a manufacturing center wingko long ago.
The most famous is wingko wingko Loe Lan Ing. Wingko manufacturing company operating since tens of years, is located in the roadway, Tripe. The owner is the mother Loe Lan Ing.
There are three types of wingko which can be tried, wingko coconut, jackfruit and wingko wingko chocolate flavor. Denis wingko last is the development of the coconut. But even so wingko most preferred coconut oil buyers because the flavor is very pronounced.
Wingko is available in two forms, large and small. Large packaging wingko 15 centimeters in diameter was packed with baking paper. This packaging has never changed from the beginning until now.
Wingko addition, the company also makes a black glutinous rice porridge mixed with sesame oil. This porridge be branded and packed with plastic roses. In a plastic, contains four pieces of black glutinous rice porridge small.
Although made from black glutinous rice, porridge is not sticky digigi, lo. It was delicious and very legit. The price is quite affordable. One plastic is sold at Rp 2,500.
While wingkonya sold at Rp 10,000. It fits perfectly framed by the stand-by for up to 4 days in refrigerator. Time to eat, can be steamed to warm wingko
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