Rabu, 18 Februari 2009

Finding Food in Surabaya


Once in Surabaya, was first rujak cingurlah should we seek. Lots of spicy snack shop that provides this paste. From food courts in various malls, traditional markets, to street vendors.

Rujak cingur, similar to the gado-gado. Only, in addition to vegetables, various fruits are also used commonly dirujak, and a few pieces cingur. In it we can also find bendoyo or krai (a type of cucumber stew). But the most distinguishing petisnya course. Peanut flavoring mixed with shrimp paste until the color turns black. Colours and smells are stung frequently make this snack less acceptable part of other communities. But much like it, instantly "smitten" and addiction.

One well-known seller rujak cingur located in Surabaya Jl. Veterans. The USD is relatively expensive. 10 thousand per portion. While in the Market and Market Blauran tiles ranges from Rp. 2000 - Rp. 3000. But, nonetheless, a myriad buyers. "You see, rujak cingurnya durable. So we can bring home for souvenirs out of town," said one buyer who together Polianthes Momentarily waiting orders.

Lontong racing

Like rujak cingur, rice cake dish racing also includes the much sought after person. Shaped like a soup. In it there are a few pieces of rice cake, lentho (cakes of cassava and peanut-fried), dry fried tofu, and bean sprouts. Then doused with sauce. We can eat it with satay sauce and cayenne pepper shells.

Lontong racing is also very easy to find. Only the most frequently visited is a small shop owned by Cak To lontong racing at Jl. Raya Gubeng. Although kiosk nonpermanen and reside in a crowded street, but every day rice cake stall was racing Cak To be able to spend four kg of bean sprouts and 15 kg of rice for rice cake. Of course there are many other racing rice cake, either hung or are selling on tour. Average price ranges from Rp. 2000 - Rp. 3000.

KUPANG lontong

If it headed toward the airport toward the city Sidoharjo Juanda, on the right side of the road we will find a number of stalls which present special rice cake kupang only. Since Singapore is close to the sea, not surprising that many servings of seafood. One of them, yes, lontong kupang.

Kupang is itself a kind of sea scallops into small shapes. Only the 3-4 milli-sized course. Mussel and pan-fried garlic and green onions. Usually eaten with rice cake which poured kupang pieces and gravy. To eliminate odors amisnya, usually dikucuri lime juice. For those who like a spicy flavor, we can eat them by adding cayenne pepper sauce.


Surabaya is also popular with sotonya. Like any other typical food of Surabaya, soto easily be found throughout the city. One of the famous in Surabaya is Soto Pak Sadi, located on Jl. Ambengan. Soto, which is presented here is chicken soup with Soun, and pieces of boiled chicken eggs.

Soto Together, we can also choose other suitable dishes, including satay made from pieces of chicken skin, viscera, young egg, or brutu. Certainly not forget accompanied by a sprinkling of shrimp crackers that have been mashed.

What about the beef soup. Well, kind of soup like this could we find in Gubeng, between jl. Nations and Kusuma Jl. Ketabang time. Like soto on Jl. Ambengan which later became known as Ambengan soto, soto meat is also popular with Gubeng soto name. Usually this kind of soup meat can be eaten with rice cake or rice.

Soto meat is still around, if you happen to run out the streets and buy souvenirs at the Tile Market, you can also stop at Soto Cak Riban. Well, that was a soto soto Madura. Not hard to find her bar. From a distance the sign is clearly visible.

ES Degan

Es Degan including the best-selling beverages in Surabaya. It's known simply hot air. As you can imagine, right, take a walk in the sun and sipping a glass of fresh ice degan, well, we thirst vanished.

Es degan no different to the coconut ice in general. Somewhat different is the fresh coconut water. If you're lucky to get a young coconut, sweet taste of course beat sirupnya.

Lots of soda degan. Even in the restaurants or shops soto, es degan including beverages which we always find. But the flash of a coincidence Polianthes has visited Singapore several times, always persuaded to taste the ice on the Exchange degan Kupang located on the right side of the road to Juanda airport. It feels really fresh because actually coconut water is used intact.

ES sinom

This drink is actually a kind of herbal medicine. Because it seems like the herb turmeric acid. The difference can be drunk ice sinom anyone because of his usefulness to subside in the heat. Sinom is a tamarind tree leaves are still young. Then milled together with turmeric, tamarind and sugar Java. The mixture was then blackmailed. Delicious when served in a state of cold or with ice.

Sinom ice can be found in several places, especially in traditional markets such as Tile Market. Usually the mixture is placed in the bottles laid on the table. Although not as much ice degan fans, but this drink does not mean lack of any fans, lo. "If you already have ice sinom not only lost her thirst, the body was so fresh," said a mother who claimed to buy ice sinom almost every day.


Make one of Surabaya, is the most delicious pecel pecel clover. From his name we can guess that in it there is stew cloverleaf. Living on the edge of the leaf river is boiled or steamed and served with boiled bean sprouts.

The sauce is somewhat different with the sauce pecel in general. Sauce pecel clover not only consist of peanut ingredients plus seasonings, but also lumatan beans boiled cassava. Until the sauce really thick. And as a flavor, laced with shrimp paste.

Feel? Clearly delicious, especially if the plate grounded banana leaves or use pincuk. Usually people are not eating with a spoon, but with crackers pulleys used as a spoon. Cracker cracker pulleys are made from cassava flour.

Pecel clover easily obtained in the morning. Many mothers peddling berkeling pecel clover since morning till about 1 o'clock in the afternoon. But if by chance are less fortunate to get it, there's still a sell pecel clover until the night that the Rays Supermarkets, Jl. Bintoro and Pujasera on Jl. Diponegoro.

While other pecel must try is Pecel Keputran Market. Hours open from half past nine at night until early morning. Fans are not limited to age, and always stand in line! Presented is rice noodles pecel plus fries, scrambled eggs and a little sprinkling of bacem empal beef. Wow, yummy!

MARKET snacks

Every evening at dusk, around Jl. Pandegiling there is always a market shock. In addition to selling clothes and shoes, these markets also diramaikan with typical food servings Surabaya.

There we can find the cookies that were eaten with grated coconut or juruh (palm sugar is melted) like klepon, lupis, putu, and klepon. Especially for klepon, the presentation is somewhat different. Klepon which had not been boiled directly overthrown in the grated coconut then boiled, but piled on the plate. When there is a buy, a few pieces put on new leaves sprinkled with coconut. So, klepon dicocolkan eaten.

In addition to wet cakes, there are also pastries. For example, klanting, pastry made from fried starch. You can also buy kulpang. Which is made from rice flour that was shaped like a rice cake. Presented after sliced thick 1 / 2 cm.

Among the sellers was a cake, fried traders also slipped. Gorengannya no different types of fried food in other cities such as fried bananas, bananas molen, or fried tofu. But the extra-large size. Until eating one or two pieces, we are already full stomach.

One of the tasty snacks that are lemet corn. It maintains loose maize sago and corn dough. Sweet-savory taste sweet. Uniquely, the cake was wrapped in corn leaves disemat by a stick.


If the roadside stall in Jakarta, many selling fried chicken, the other in Surabaya. Most of the stalls selling duck rice. Contents of fried duck and fresh vegetables. Do not back up with the duck meat which, according to people a lot and it smells fishy taste. Duck rice in Surabaya, far from it. It turns out the secret, before being fried, the duck dibacem with spices. It was savory and salty. The meat was really soft like chicken.

Obviously not all duck rice stall promising taste really good. In Singapore there are two duck rice stalls are well liked. First, in Pecindilan Market. The owner is Ms. Wagini. Open from 5 pm, and closes at 7 tonight. Not because it does not sell, but buyers hired out.

When the presentation is divided into four pieces of fried duck, consisting of the chest, thighs, brutu (tail), and wings. Paws, viscera and heads are sold separately. Wagini overnight could sell 110 ducks.

Duck rice in Surabaya fans are not half-hearted. Duck rice in Coral Four, a day provides 350 ducks. That, too, we must arrive before 7pm. After that, the best duck pieces have been purchased people. Not until nine o'clock that night, stalls located on the edge of the road was closed. Both are served with hot rice and chilli paste plus fresh vegetables.

By a typical BY-SURABAYA

For the fruit of hands in the house, let's try to Kenjeran the Old Market. Its location near the amusement park Kenjeran Coast. There sold a variety of crackers from processed seafood. Besides a variety of crackers, potato chips, prawn sauce, there are also a variety of dry foods such as, intestinal sea shells, fish skin crackers, until paste.


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